Friday, August 27, 2010

In recent years the State Council under

In recent years the State Council under the leadership of Party committees and governments to vigorously promote legal administration, administration by law has made great achievements, embodied in : accelerating the pace of executive and legislative, administrative transition to the rule of law, administrative litigation system has been established, the administrative supervision network shape.In general, administration by law, on the whole has been greatly improved, and gradually develop in the direction to the positive . However, the current administration by law is still in the preliminary stage, according to administration according to law the principles enshrined in the content required to do, then there are still some problems can not be ignored: rule of law; administrative law enforcement system is imperfect and administrative misconduct seriously; weak administrative supervision, administrative law is difficult to investigate; administrative law enforcement, the quality is low, affecting the quality and effectiveness of enforcement. promoting administration according to law the ultimate goal is to build a government by law. can be seen, construction rule of law, the government is still a large systematic, indeed a long way.

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